Friday, October 16, 2009

It's Time

It seems that just when I thought that they have given up on me, the schools start to phone for interviews. But saying that, it's not like the calls are streaming in. LOL, have two intervies next week for schools in the Southern Suburbs, but even if I don't get either of those posts, I will apply for other teaching posts and admin posts, because it is time for me to move on from where I am at the moment.

I love the school, but I need to grow in my profession, and in order to do that I have to move away there and find somewhere else that will allow me to grow and test my skills on a daily basis. Never thought I would be one to volunteer for a challenge and I might regret doing so later on, but I feel that I need one at this stage of my life. . . So maybe next year will be the year that I dare myself to a challenge . . . LOL

Enough for now, enjoy the weekend and the rest of the month (if I'm not on again).


1 comment:

  1. Brilliant!
    You won't ever regret a challenge ;) even the ones that turn out badly are good learning experiences ;)And there's nothing better than facing your fears and coming out stronger! :) That's how I got my previous job, and how I'm trying to get one now - bloody terrifying, but also rewarding experiences :)
    Best of luck!
