Friday, January 29, 2010

New Year, New Challenges

I said in my last post that I felt it was time to leave Keurboom, and I have done that. I miss my colleagues and friends that I have made there every dat, but feel that this was a good choice as I was offered two posts after I resigned.

The first post was a grade 3 governing body post for the year at Koeberg primary in Woodstock. I was going to take this post, but after I had already agreed to take the job, I was offered a permanent departmental post which offers a bigger salary and other long term benefits that weighed in its favour. I chose to accept the departmental post and therefore I am now a grade 1 teacher at Irista Primary School in Kuilsriver.

I also have an appointment to try for my drivers again in the beginning of March and think this will make my life a lot easier, especially when I've saved up enough money to buy a car.

At the moment my biggest challenge is to get my class to listen and carry out their tasks correctly ... which would be a possibility if they listened ... lol,

Now I will be in for a weekend of marking books, making sentence strips and flashcards and hopefully start organising photos for a new scrapbook ...


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