Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Looking back on 2010

In the past year there hasn't been much time for blogging. Some days there was hardly time for a facebook status updates. LOL.

There have been many changes that have happened in the past year. And those in no particular order are operations, Jayden leaving, getting a new car, getting my licence and of course starting my teaching career and of course my trip to London.

Jayden leaving:
Jayden left on 29th Dec 2009 to start his 2year internship in Pietermaritzburg. Because I teach it is very easy to see him fairly often because of the 4 holidays. Although I have only spent 3 holidays with him in 2010. He gets 2 holidays of 2 weeks each and for one holiday he went to his family and for one he came to visit me. This next year I will probably visit him for all holidays, which might put a bit of a damper on my financial status in certain months ((;-)) but its a small price to pay to be able to spend anything from between one week and one month with him.

Starting my teaching career:
I started teaching Gr1 @ Irista primary this year and it has been a very challenging and rewarding first year and I am looking forward to starting the new year on 13 January 2011.

Getting my licence:
On 5 March 2010, I had an appointment at the Goodwood Traffic Department to try for my driver's licence for the fourth time and the first time on the new learners after the previous one expired with three tries under its belt. And lo and behold, I managed to scrape by to get my licence. And 2 weeks later was seen test driving new polo vivo and going on the highway for first time in vivo.

At the end of April I had an arthroscope operation. Because there was something wrong with my knee and no-one could figure out what it was. The operation didn't reveal much and I have mow decided that it is my new way of showing stress. Must say I do prefer it over migraines.=)

Getting my car:
I have known I wanted a polo for as long as I've been learning to drive probably. They are good looking, easy to drive, have radio n aircon. What more could a girl want? LOL. The first one I was interested in was not for me, because by the time I came back from PMB it had already been sold and the one that was available at the time was out of my price range.

A few weeks later I learnt that there was a black one available and that the person who was going to buy it couldn't get the deposit together in the appropriate amount of time and that if the bank approved financing for me, I could have it. And so I got my 2008 black polo on 14 May 2010.

London 2010:
On 23 September 2010 I flew to London, England with my aunt Alana to meet up with her sister and my other aunt Charlene. We arrived in London on the morning of 24 September and immediately went in search of our accomodation to dump the luggage so that the adventure could start. On the first day we did the red topless bus tour of London and when we returned from that we showered and got ready for Phantom of the Opera at Her Majesty's theatre, aka Haymarket theatre. Our cab driver was as unfamiliar with London it seemed as we were, and after he dropped us off we had to ask directions from passersby. Phantom was spectacular and at the next chance I got I bought the movie on dvd. I had seen the movie before and knew the music, but it was spectacular to see it performed in theatre.

The next day we got up early-ish to queue for Madame Toussaud's Wax Museum. It was quite a wait, but well worth it. I posed for pictures with Audrey Hepburn, Drew Barrymore, Robert Pattinson and Johnny Depp and also took pictures of Lou and Andy (Little Britain), Indiana Jones, Nelson Mandela, Drew Barrymore n Steven Spielberg. After Madame Toussaud's we started making our way towards the
London Eye where we were treated to a 4D show before queuing. In my opinion the 4D show is a 3D show where they blow bubbles in your face. LOL. After the Eye we attempted to get home via the Underground, but the routes that we needed to take were being worked on and after somebody stole our cab, we managed to secure the next available one and made it back to our hotel. After getting ready we waited outside for our cab and when he arrived, we started to travel towards the Lyceum Theatre to watch The Lion King. Because of the 2012 Olympics taking place in London, there were lots of roadworks on the way and there was also an accident. We ended up being 20 minutes late. They let us into the show and there were still people arriving after us as well. Lion King was also spectacular.

On the Sunday we decided to take on Harrods. Even with the map of the place we got horribly lost and after a few hours and some present shopping we decided to go outside of Harrods and find our lunch elsewhere. It is extremely busy in there and its like a maze when you are inside, but was still great to experience. We decided to lie low the evening and watched a DVD @ our hotel.

On the Monday morning after a trip through the Twilight Zone we eventually made our way to Westminster Abbey and after that headed to Paddington station where I found my London Bag and we returned to Glouchester to start making our way back to Liverpool. Here we spent the rest of the week with Charlene, James and on occasion Suzanne. We returned to London on the Saturday and on Saturday night we boarded a plane for Cape Town.

Christmas and New Years 2010:
This was my first Christmas away from my parents and faced with the prospect of having to make Christmas lunch, I was a little bit nervous. But it turns out 5 years of studying Hospitality Studies has actually paid off. It turned out very good and to quote Jayden "I outdid myself".

The theme for the intern New Year's party was 60's and after researching tie-dye on the internet, we decided to make our own shirts. Paired with jeans and slops these made up our outfits for the party. We met some of the new first years and said goodbye to old 2nd years. All in all it was a very good New Years and a great party.

This just about sums up my 2010. Hopefully 2011 will hold other equally exciting and challenging events.


1 comment:

  1. :D Cool post! Like your description of the 4D show ;D
