Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Parents and Facebook

Just had to create an account for my dad on Facebook.

What a mission ... He has so many questions and I have done everything on his account so far ...

And that made me wonder ... Were we like that when Facebook came out, or are we just less technologically challenged than some of our parents?

And more worrying ... Are we going to be like that when we are grown up? And not know what our children are up to? Or will we be able to keep up with the times and know what is going on in 15 - 20 years?

On that scary note, it's time for you to ponder the answer to those questions and get back to me



Wednesday, September 23, 2009

HOLIDAYS !!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so glad that it is finally holidays. It feels like this term has been extremely long, even though it has only been two months long.

And I am taking up a new hobby after I have written my learners. So hopefully will be buying supplies for that durng the holidays. I also think that I should buy the final Twilight book that I don't have yet. And strangely enough, it is the first one that I don't have ... LOL

Anywho, nothing else to say for now, except that I am looking forward to the weekend. And will have to study hard for my learners that is in exactly two weeks.


Saturday, September 19, 2009

Concerts ... and good times ... =)

This past week I went back to my old Primary School to go see my sisters' school concert - "Sonde met die Spoke". While I was there I was reminiscing about the concerts that I had been in in Primary School. I can only recall two concerts, and those were my last two. Not sure if we had any before that and what I was in those ones.

But I do remember the last two and the nervousness of being on stage and relief when it was over, but happy to repeat it the next night ... and the night after that ... and the night after that. And of course the best bit was being able to practice in school time and going to bed late at night.

But got to go now ... On my way to check out art shops and maybe get my charm bracelet sorted.


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Birthday Presents ... =)

Even though my birthday was approximately two weeks ago, this week has awarded me two gifts that both have unexpected dates of delivery.

The first one is my new mattress, which will hopefully lead to Jayden being able to give up his part-time job as my masseuse. And also holding thmbs that my days of sleeeping through the night may return with a proper mattress.

The other, more fun present is a charm bracelet, which I hinted for, but didn't expect to get. I now have a bracelet and three charms. A pnk and white slip-slop, a pink flower and a silver dice. But aparently there is a slight problem with trying to fit the charms on the bracelet wothout breaking the attachment. Hopefully the problem will be sorted out soon.


Saturday, September 5, 2009

It's the Weekend Baby ... =)

I am exceptionally glad that my weekend has finally begun. It has only begun so late into the weekend, because I had a First Aid course to attend.

And although it was very informative, it just made me realise that I am definitely not now and will possibly not for a very long time be ready for children. If only for the simple fact that I will probably have the type of child who will have one or all of these types of emergencies and I am definitely not equipped to handle that at the moment.

But aside from that, I am looking forward to the rest of the weekend and to spending time with good friends and chillaxing.


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Longest Day

Today feels like it has been the longest day this week.

Luckily it is only a few weeks to the end of the term.

maybe I will give a more detailed post later in the week when I am not half asleep . . .
